Georgia Log Cabin
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You don't have to be from Georgia to follow us! News for conservative, libertarian, independent & moderate gay, lesbian & straight Republicans #gagop
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Is there a trans cult at the NSA? 🏳️‍⚧️

Trans activists have entrenched themselves in positions of power at the US National Security Agency.

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Gov. Kemp [R-GA] Addresses Log Cabin

🍑🐘 @GeorgiaLogCabin were honored to be addressed by Governor Brian Kemp at our convention. Gov. Kemp protected lives & livelihoods by keeping our state open throughout most of the pandemic shutdown & signed hate crime legislation including LGBT protections. Thank you Gov. Kemp! Last day of early voting is Friday, May 20th & Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 24th.

HHS paid Texas group millions for nothing 💸

The Department of Health and Human Services paid a group millions of dollars each month to operate a Texas immigration facility that sat empty.

Rhode Island Democrat is a shady hypocrite 💵

US Sen. Whitehouse [D-RI] is well positioned to help his wife's benefactor get funded, to the couple's own financial benefit.

Racism, sexism wrong in any direction ♀️

The US Supreme Court heard the case of an Ohio woman who lost a discrimination suit against her employer when her gay boss declined to promote her.

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